Virtual self-test
Recognising the pattern means understanding the game.
This connection has been going through my mind lately. Perceiving how some online portals are gradually changing. A majority of internet channels f. e. on youtube change direction as soon as they become successful.
Apparently, you have to reach a certain number of subscribers in order to be monetized, to make money with youtube, for example. Or, as from a certain number of subscribers or clicks, you establish yourself as a so-called influencer and become interesting for financially lucrative product placement.
As a regular viewer of various channels, it is definitely exciting to witness these developments. Provided you don't lose your sense of humour along the way. A hint of sarcasm might help.
Yesterday was such a special moment. A medium claiming to channel Archangel Michael advertised for netflix by accidentally mentioning that she is watching films by this provider. To avoid possible objections of her followers, she explains: If she doesn't like a film scene (e.g. violence), she simply goes on fast-forward until it becomes more pleasant again. I had to laugh out loud at that one. A bitter aftertaste was in the air.
Maybe she should ask Archangel Michael, whom I admire very much, about netflix during one of her future channelings. That would certainly be very interesting to listen to.
Nothing against advertising that fits the channel. Books/CDs that correspond to the topic discussed. Or references to your own events and seminars.
But throwing an archangel and netflix together definitely has a certain charm. And so does the way how this is being plausibilised. How stupid do you think your followers are?
Obviously creating a community is important. Posting private photos of oneself and your loved ones on Facebook, Insta & Co., inspires interested users to link to you and LIKE you. I suspect that this is a very seductive interaction. What goes down well is repeated or expanded. The truth plays a rather subordinate role. Who can check what is being said or shown for authenticity?
And what suits the taste of the followers strengthens the virtual family ties. This is a psychological game, and the inventors of social media are at an extremely professional level in this respect. In addition, there is a financial reward for every youtuber who follows this trail.
It is fascinating to watch this game. And to witness the moment when the channel operator sells his soul for a financial benefit, is closer to tragedy than to comedy. Internet platforms as a perfect self-test.
But it is also a kind of intelligence test for the viewer or follower. How far can we get manipulated or being played games with until we pull the plug and cancel our subscription?
Everything in life has its meaning. Once in a while it just takes some time to gratefully recognise it.
© Solandra (October 13th, 2020)
Translated with the help of DeepL
Proofread by the author
Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash