Magic Moments


Summer in the South. Blue skies, the sun is shining, you can smell the nearby sea, looking forward to a walk on the beach. The outfit is quickly chosen: sleeveless top, knee-high flounce skirt, flip-flops and the day can come.


Our neighbours are a married couple of the same age, they use their house as a holiday home, half of the year they spend in the Algarve, the rest of the time at home in the North. They are what you would expect from perfect neighbours: quiet, friendly, helpful and respecting each other's privacy. When we happen to meet each other, we talk about this and that and how lucky we are to live here in the South. We are on first name terms.


I would like to mention that the husband likes me and I like him. It's subtle, but it is in the air. At least, that's how I feel. But he always sticks to etiquette, not a word or a glance is too much.


Once I am coming home from shopping, his car is parked next to ours. One door of his car is open and he is sitting in the passenger seat. On my way to the entrance gate of our house I pass him. He is searching the glove box and holds some documents in his hand.


I am in a laid-back mood and, while opening the gate with one hand, I ask him in a relaxed tone of voice: "Well, everything in order?"


He smiles friendly, nods and says: "Everything under control, no problem."


And I can't help it and reply truthfully, with eyes slightly rolled up: "I  L O V E  men who say, "No problem!"


He pauses, looks up briefly and replies, "No problem."


I did not get it right away, but then I started to grin big. I can't remember for how long, but that grin wouldn't go away from my face. I don't know if my neighbour was aware at that moment or not, that his answer offered room for interpretation. Either way, I simply enjoyed it!


Even today, while writing this little story and every time I think back to that moment, I have to smile and it warms my heart.


You can say a lot in just a few words. If you are on the same wavelength.


© Solandra (April 7th, 2020)


Translated with the help of DeepL

Proofread by the author


Photo by @johnnyb803 on UNSPLASH