Wisdom means: 1+1=5

For the coming month, I have decided to tell little stories based on inspirational quotes. Born from experience and insight and wittily to the point. Here we go.


Quote by Steve Maraboli, a highly successful US coach: "I am at a stage in my life where I keep myself out of arguments. Even if you tell me 1+1=5, you are completely correct. Enjoy."


I like the irony that resonates between the lines. Each of us has the freedom to make their  own mistakes in order to learn from them. That has always been the best way to understand the game of life and the laws of the universe.


It is often the case that we start a discussion with the aim of convincing our counterpart of our own opinion or to be right with our personal view of things. The theoretical concepts of our ego at work.


I know very well what I am talking about, because I was, in my youth and beyond, an advocate of discussions. Whether actively or passively. I took part as a spectator in heated debates between politicians and journalists on the evening TV show or was actively involved with family and friends. I only really listened when it was about my own opinion. Dissenting or opposing points of view were negligible.


But what was the point? Was there any added value in the end? Except that I wasted time and energy on so-called problems that were hardly talked about a week later. No, that couldn't be it. With age comes wisdom, so they say. And I had the ambition that old age should not come alone. I began to look into spiritual subjects. I read the SETH books by Jane Roberts, followed later by the publications of Eckhart Tolle, whose explanations of the "nature of the ego" captivated me from the very beginning. Because something inside of me sensed very well that this might be the snag.


The ego as a conglomeration of principles and concepts that we have mostly adopted unchecked from parents, school, religion and science. They form the basis of our sense of togetherness, on which life and cooperation seem to take place. Until we reach a point where we begin to feel permanently uncomfortable or even unhappy. When from the depth of all being, our gut feeling, the 6th sense or the voice of intuition start to call in. Often it is also psycho-somatic symptoms or deep life incisions that wake us up and make us rethink.


And then we slowly begin to realise that we don't have to persuade anyone of anything or always have to be right. On the contrary. If someone thinks that 1+1 makes 5, they are allowed to do so. No problem at all.  Accompanied by a humorous wink.


Wishing them an interesting ride towards their own awakening. That's life.


© Solandra 2021-02-01


Translated with the help of DeepL

Proofread by the author